Are you a coach?
Connect to your space!
Access your personal space as a coach, this space is dedicated to you. Coach-Adjoint will meet all your expectations.
If you don’t have an account yet, register now with just a few clicks!

Are you a gamer? Connect to your space!
Access your personal space via the Coach-Adjoint application as a player, this space is dedicated to you.
To be able to access your space, your coach must first have a Coach-Adjoint account.
If this is not the case, we invite you to suggest doing it so that he can enjoy all the advantages of the application and you too!

Sharing experience with Coach Live !
Sharing experiences has never been approached this way! We discover how the coach has built himself and the steps he has taken! The good and the not so good and the lessons he takes away! In passing, he makes us discover an exercise that he likes and the details to help coaches put it in place in their categories. All this in an atmosphere between professionals in the field and without filter! Passion, straightforwardness… We all come from the amateur world!
Copyright @ Coach-Adjoint 2020 All rights reserved
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RGPD site web
CGU site web
Mentions légales application
RGPD application
CGU et CGV application